Blue Flag Campaign

In our Marina. we are proud to have been rewarded in successive years with the Blue Flag  for Marinas.

The Blue Flag is an award to the environmental quality, which is granted to the Marinas that make a special effort in the quality of the services and the good environmental management, and that provides to the users information to environmental questions. To obtain the blue flag, the Marina has to assemble a series of requirements, which refer to education and environmental information, environmental management, services and safety and quality of the water.


Some details about the Blue Flag.

The Blue Flag is an award granted by the Foundation of Environmental Education (FEE), a Not Governmental Organizalion of environmental character, represented by national  organizations in approximately 50 countries of 5 continents.

The Blue Flag is an award to the environmental quality that is granted to beaches and marinas.

The Blue Flag covers mainly 4 fields: 

-lnformation and Environmental education.

-Environmental manaqement.

-Security and services.

-Quality of the water.


The Blue Flag is an award that is granted just for one season and is valid whereas the requirements are satisfied. lf that is not the case, the authorities responsible for the Marina will have to remove the Blue Flag.

Every national organization of the FEE inspects the places with lhe Blue Flag during  the season.


Activities for the Environmental Awareness and Education.

Along the year, in the Marina, some different activities for the environmentaf awareness and education are carried out. To obtain some more information about the activities and their dates, please do not hesitate to contact to the Marina Office or visit


You can help to the Campaign also taking part in the protection of the environment:

Following the instructions of the code of environmental conduct in and around the Marina.

Using ecological products for paintings, detergents… etcReporting of the pollution or other violations of the environmental procedure to the authorities.Saving water, electricity and fuel.

Following all the recommendations of use of the facilities aimed to the energetic saving and of environmental resources in and around the Marina.

Encouraging other navigators to take care of the environment.

Taking part in the activities for the environmental awareness and education.


Blue Flag for Boats.

This award exists also for particular vessels. If, as owner and user of ship, who loves the Sea, uses its resources and wants to contribute to its protection, you want to take part in the Blue Flag campaign, you can request the Blue Flag for your boat by signing the Blue Flag Code of Conduct in the Sea that can be requested in the offices of the Marina.

The F.E.E. also develops other programs like Green Key {Further information in verde)


Responsible for national and international Blue Flag. 

These are the names and addresses of the national and intemational organizations in charge of the Blue Flag. You can help to the campaign going to them and giving your opinion about the degree of fulfillment of the  criteria by the Marina. On this way you will help to guarantee that the quality standards demanded by the Blue  Flag are kept in the marina.


Blue Flag National Operator

Asociación de Educación Ambiental y del Consumidor (A.D.E.A.C.)
C/General Lacy 3, Portal 1, 1ºB. CP 28045. MADRID


Blue Flag International Operator



Blue Flag International Coordination

Danish Outdoor Council

Scandiagade 13

2450 Copenhagen SV




A continuación puede descargar la documentacion relevante:

Codigo Conducta Ambiental

Enviromental Conduct Code


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